Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Top Ten Tuesday - Book Club Selections
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish . This week's topic is "top 10 books we would choose to discuss at a book club."
1. The Help by Kathryn Stockett - Honestly, I don't know how you can NOT include this book on this kind of list! It's a perfect book club selection. This might not be an "original" choice, but I HAVE to include it - it's just that good.
2. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time by Mark Haddon - This book was just so different from anything I've ever read. I'll be honest. When I first heard about it, I thought that it was actually written by an autistic man (I had just finished reading Look Me in the Eye, which WAS). Well, it wasn't, it was completely a work of fiction by a non-autistic man...but written as IF by an autistic savant. It was really interesting how he captured thought processes and such. Really neat book for a club to discuss.
3. 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher - I always suggest this one, because I think it is a great book to start discussions on teen bullying and suicide. And the way that the story is presented, with the 13 cassette tapes told by Hannah herself before her death....totally a page turner.
4. Before I Go to Sleep by S. J. Watson - Now THIS is a page turner! A psychological thrill ride! A woman with a rare kind of amnesia whose brain resets every time she goes to sleep and basically comes to find out that she cannot trust her own husband. This would make for some fun discussions!
5. Stolen: A Letter to my Captor by Lucy Christopher - a book about a girl who is kidnapped and taken to the middle of nowhere. This book talks about the unusual relationship that is forged between captor and victim...it would be interesting to discuss the psychology behind this.
6. Crank by Ellen Hopkins - We will be discussing this one in my YA Lit class this semester, and I am really looking forward to it. It is a great book to illustrate the nightmares of drug abuse. Not just for the addict, but for the addict's family. Plus Hopkins' free verse style....simply awesome!
7. Wither by Lauren DeStefano - along with the sequel Fever, definitely one of my favorite series! It is one of the first ones that I recommend to people who are just starting out with reading YA or considering it. There is just so much to discuss about it.
8. The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak - Sigh, this is just a beautiful, beautiful book. For a YA book, it is sooooo....I don't know, deep, I guess. Yet it is written in a way that is just plain entertaining too. It is a gem of a book that deserves lots of conversations.
9. Before I Die by Jenny Downham - I chose this one because I really like how the main character, Tessa, who has cancer, makes a list of things she wants to do before she dies, and sets out to accomplish those things. I just think this could spark a lot of interesting conversation.
10. Fracture by Megan Miranda - I just finished reading this last night. It was amazing! This is a debut book that deserves all the hype!
So, now I want to know - what books would YOU pick for a book club gathering? Leave your link (or your choices) below, and if you are a new follower let me know so I can return the favor! :)
Monday, January 30, 2012
Musing Monday - Do you plan your upcoming reads?
Musing Monday is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading. This week's question:
How far along are you in your current read before you start thinking about what you’ll read next?
I am always thinking ahead as to what I'm going to read next. As a book obsessed librarian to be, that's practically ALL I think about, lol! I always have a list running in my head. My review calendar dictates much of the order in which I read things as well as assigned reading for my classes. I generally have at least the next 10 books to be read planned at all times.
So, what about you? Do you always have a reading plan? Or are you a spontaneous reader? Let me know in the comments below!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
In My Mailbox #5
These are the books I purchased:
1. Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger
2. Tantalize by Cynthia Leitich Smith
3. The Predicteds by Christine Seifert
4. Saving June by Hannah Harrington
These are books I received from the library:
1. A Pizza the Size of the Sun by Jack Prelutsky
2. The House in the Night by Susan Marie Swanson
3. A Year Without Autumn by Liz Kessler
I was going to put up all the covers of all the e-books I got this week, but Blogger is giving me MAJOR, MAJOR issues with posting the photos on here. Like, I have been working on it for about 6 hours and cannot get it to work. For the sake of my sanity, I will just be posting a list. You can click on the links to check them out on goodreads. So sorry I can't show all the pretty covers like I'd like!
The following were all Kindle freebies. These links will take you to Amazon, and some of them may still be free!
1. Moonlight and Oranges by Elise Stephens
2. Somber Island by T. Lynne Tolles
3. The Mind Readers by Lori Brighton
4. Rippler by Cidney Swanson
5. Nothing Else Matters by Leslie DuBois
6. Dream Killer by Heather Hildenbrand
7. Overprotected by Jennifer Laurens
8. Her Daughter's Eyes by Jessica Barksdale Inclan
9. Winter's Awakening by Karen Luellen
The following I received from Netgalley (links will take you to Goodreads):
1. Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown
2. Spellcaster by Cara Lynn Schultz
3. Goddess Interrupted by Aimee Carter
4. Emerald City by Alicia K. Leppert
5. Caring is Creepy by David Zimmerman
6. Slipping Reality by Emily Beaver
7. Pieces of Us by Margie Gelbwasser
8. Ferocity Summer by Alissa Grosso
The following were e-books that I was gifted:
1. Everneath by Brodi Ashton
2. Incarnate by Jodi Meadows
3. Hallowed by Cynthia Hand
4. Tempest by Julia Cross
And the following I received from The Hollow Tours:
Creature Kid by Rashad Freeman
Again, so sorry I couldn't make it all pretty for y'all this time. But, I have already spent waaaaaaay more time than I should have getting this one together, lol!! Maybe next time! What did you get this week? If you are a new follower, leave me your link, so I can return the favor!
The following were all Kindle freebies. These links will take you to Amazon, and some of them may still be free!
1. Moonlight and Oranges by Elise Stephens
2. Somber Island by T. Lynne Tolles
3. The Mind Readers by Lori Brighton
4. Rippler by Cidney Swanson
5. Nothing Else Matters by Leslie DuBois
6. Dream Killer by Heather Hildenbrand
7. Overprotected by Jennifer Laurens
8. Her Daughter's Eyes by Jessica Barksdale Inclan
9. Winter's Awakening by Karen Luellen
The following I received from Netgalley (links will take you to Goodreads):
1. Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown
2. Spellcaster by Cara Lynn Schultz
3. Goddess Interrupted by Aimee Carter
4. Emerald City by Alicia K. Leppert
5. Caring is Creepy by David Zimmerman
6. Slipping Reality by Emily Beaver
7. Pieces of Us by Margie Gelbwasser
8. Ferocity Summer by Alissa Grosso
The following were e-books that I was gifted:
1. Everneath by Brodi Ashton
2. Incarnate by Jodi Meadows
3. Hallowed by Cynthia Hand
4. Tempest by Julia Cross
And the following I received from The Hollow Tours:
Creature Kid by Rashad Freeman
Again, so sorry I couldn't make it all pretty for y'all this time. But, I have already spent waaaaaaay more time than I should have getting this one together, lol!! Maybe next time! What did you get this week? If you are a new follower, leave me your link, so I can return the favor!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Follow Friday #4
Feature and Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. This allows book bloggers to find new blogs to follow, and also to gain new followers! Make sure that if someone follows you, you follow them back!
Today's featured blogger is Shelleyrae at Book'd Out! Go check out her page and get to know her!
Today's question is:
Which book genre do you avoid at all costs and why?
I completely avoid erotica, and mostly avoid the romance genre (by that I mean the mass market, cheesy ones), and I mostly avoid mysteries and horror as well. Now, I'll still give a book a chance if sounds good and just happens to fit into one of these genres...but I don't seek them out. I just don't like horror books or movies, and I find a lot of mysteries boring. The typical romance novels just make me want to puke, lol. I love there to be romance IN the story, but not books that are ALL romance. Does that make sense? I am in sleep deprivation mode, so I hope I make sense!
Are there any genres that you consider off limits? If you are a new follower make sure to leave me a link so I can follow you back!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Booking Through Thursday: Good writing v. Good story
Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by BTT2. This week's question:
(Of course, a book should have BOTH, but…)
That's a tough one, really. Obviously, a good book should have both! But, if it was one over the other, I would definitely have to say a good story line would be more important. Sometimes I read books that are just TOO wordy....giving long drawn out flowery descriptions. Yes, it might sound pretty, but I get kind of bored when it takes 2 pages to describe the tree in the character's front yard....you know what I mean? This is a time when I am forced to start skimming a book, looking for the action. I honestly don't care about symbolism, allegories, and such in the books that I read (traditional hallmarks of good writing), I just want a nice exciting story that keeps me up late at night because I can't stop turning those pages!
So, what is your opinion on this? Which do you think is more important?
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Waiting on Wednesday #4
Here is what I'm waiting on this week:
Click on the cover to check it out on Goodreads!
"I slowly opened my eyes. The sun speared its first bright rays of golden orange into the sky and I leapt from the cliff, with the sorrowful knowledge that no matter what the outcome, at least part of me would die that day...
Violet Eden is dreading her seventeenth birthday dinner. After all, it’s hard to get too excited about the day that marks the anniversary of your mother’s death. The one bright spot is that Lincoln will be there. Sexy, mature and aloof, he is Violet’s idea of perfection. But why does he seem so reluctant to be anything more than a friend?
After he gives her the world’s most incredible kiss – and then abandons her on her front doorstep – Violet is determined to get some answers. But nothing could have prepared her for Lincoln’s explanation: he is Grigori – part angel and part human – and Violet is his eternal partner.
Without warning, Violet’s world is turned upside down. She never believed in God, let alone angels. But there’s no denying the strange changes in her body ... and her feelings for Lincoln. Suddenly, she can’t stand to be around him. Luckily, Phoenix, an exiled angel, has come into her life. He’s intense and enigmatic, but at least he never lied to her.
As Violet gets caught up in an ancient battle between dark and light, she must choose her path. The wrong choice could cost not only her life, but her eternity..."
Violet Eden is dreading her seventeenth birthday dinner. After all, it’s hard to get too excited about the day that marks the anniversary of your mother’s death. The one bright spot is that Lincoln will be there. Sexy, mature and aloof, he is Violet’s idea of perfection. But why does he seem so reluctant to be anything more than a friend?
After he gives her the world’s most incredible kiss – and then abandons her on her front doorstep – Violet is determined to get some answers. But nothing could have prepared her for Lincoln’s explanation: he is Grigori – part angel and part human – and Violet is his eternal partner.
Without warning, Violet’s world is turned upside down. She never believed in God, let alone angels. But there’s no denying the strange changes in her body ... and her feelings for Lincoln. Suddenly, she can’t stand to be around him. Luckily, Phoenix, an exiled angel, has come into her life. He’s intense and enigmatic, but at least he never lied to her.
As Violet gets caught up in an ancient battle between dark and light, she must choose her path. The wrong choice could cost not only her life, but her eternity..."
Expected release date: March 1, 2012
GIVEAWAY!!! New Girl by Paige Harbison

Summary from Goodreads:
"They call me 'New Girl'...Ever since I arrived at exclusive, prestigious Manderly Academy, that’s who I am. New girl. Unknown. But not unnoticed—because of her. Becca Normandy—that’s the name on everyone’s lips. The girl whose picture I see everywhere. The girl I can’t compare to. I mean, her going missing is the only reason a spot opened up for me at the academy. And everyone stares at me like it’s my fault. Except for Max Holloway—the boy whose name shouldn’t be spoken. At least, not by me. Everyone thinks of him as Becca’s boyfriend but she’s gone, and here I am, replacing her. I wish it were that easy. Sometimes, when I think of Max, I can imagine how Becca’s life was so much better than mine could ever be.And maybe she’s still out there, waiting to take it back."
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Winner will be notified within 48 hours of the end of the giveaway, and the prize will be sent directly from HarlequinTeen. Thank you for entering and good luck! :)
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Reading With Class #2

Reading with Class is a weekly meme hosted by yours truly where I talk about the books that I have read this week for my library classes! I might not always want to do a full fledged review on some of these books...but they are still worth mentioning!

For my YA Lit class, we had to read Lord of the Flies - I had never actually read this before. I'll admit, I struggled through a lot of it. And nobody's who's read it cannot tell me that they didn't find it a wee bit disturbing. A plane full of British boys, aged 6 through 12, are marooned on a desert island in a plane crash with no adults. While it starts out as a "fun" adventure, it quickly turns into a story of savagery vs. civilization; good vs. evil. It ended up being pretty exciting at the end. I take a test on it tonight - hope I understood it the way I was supposed to!
I read this cute little book of poetry to satisfy 1 of my 3 kids' poetry book requirements. I chose it because it sounded funny! Plus, I love Judith Viorst and her Alexander books! It was a fun little read - most poems were funny, but there were a few that were surprisingly somber. Ok, I've got to post one to give an example:
What Dads Do
"Make bookshelves.
Make burgers.
Make money.
Make funny faces that make you laugh.
Scratch your back when you can't reach where it itches.
Lift you up on their shoulders.
Snore when they're sleeping (but say they don't).
Pitch - but not so fast that you can't hit their pitches.
Play tickles with you when you feel like a silly person.
Snuggle up close with you when you feel like a sad one.
Dads explain electricity
And peninsulas
And help you count the stars.
I wish I still had one."
Awwwww, doesn't that just make you "awwww" out loud?
I read Love That Dog to fullfill 2 out of 3 poetry requirements. My daughter really liked this book. It was the cutest little thing! It was about a boy who is required to write poems in a journal by his teacher. At the beginning of the book, he hates it, and even says that poetry is "for girls." By the end of the book, and with the encouragement of his teacher, he finds that he loves poetry, and is good at it. Just a very sweet, cute book.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Musing Monday (#4) - Why read YA?

Musing Monday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading. Each week, she poses a bookish question for us book bloggers to discuss. This week's question?
Why do you think that the Young Adult genre is so popular with even the adult readers? Do you read YA books, yourself?
I think it's pretty obvious that, yes, I do read YA books, lol! It is my favorite genre! This started only about 2 years ago, actually. At that time, I never even really thought about reading YA...I was an adult, so I thought I should be reading adult books. Would like to know what propelled me into the wonderful world of YA? Here's my story...
My 12 year old daughter received a letter the summer before her 7th grade year from her soon-to-be English teacher. This letter told her that her summer assignment was to purchase and read The Hunger Games. I had never heard of this book before...so off to Barnes and Noble we went. I found it, and it was only available in hardback - I was a very frugal person at the time, and NEVER bought hardback unless it was secondhand! I was honestly horrified to spend almost $20 on ONE book. But it was for my daughter's school, so I did. I read the blurb inside the cover, and thought "hm, that kinda sounds interesting...." and I thought "Gosh darnit, if I have to spend $20 on this book, I'M going to read it too!" So, I did. And I couldn't put it down. And I went out the next day and got Catching Fire and then had to wait anxiously for Mockingjay to be released! I became obsessed with this book, and started googling it, and kind of fell into this whole community of adults who read YA...wha? really? You mean, it's OK, if I'm a thritysomething wanting to read YOUNG adult? Well, SIGN ME UP! From there, I took a good look at the YA section of the library and bookstores and a whole new world opened up to me! I entered this new world and never looked back! :) That's my story!
So, WHY is it that YA is growing in popularity with older readers? Well, I think that the popularity started with the Twilight and Hunger Games series. I believe alot of adults were hooked in with those books. I think YA books are given more liberty to have more whimsical plots (look at all the paranormal/fantasy titles) than adult, but they still have complex plots and interesting characters that hold the interests of adults as well as teens. Today's YA is not all "fluff" like it has been known for in the past.
I still have a few friends that turn up their noses at YA...I'm trying to convert them, lol. So, what do YOU think the reason for the YA craze is?
Saturday, January 21, 2012
In My Mailbox #4

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren where we get to show off all those lovely books we get each week - whether it's from the library, the store, on our e-readers, or literally in our mailboxes.
I have quite a few to show you this week...first, the books from my trip to the library today. I had ordered several books that I needed for my Library Materials for Children class (I have to read books from certain genres, and that have one particular awards), so I checked out more than I normally would.
2. A Sick Day for Amos McGee by Philip C. Stead (Caldecott requirement)
3. Sad Underwear and Other Complications: More Poems for Children and Their Parents by Judith Viorst
4. Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson (Scott O'Dell requirement)
5. The Memory Bank by Carolyn Coman (modern fantasy requirement)
6. Clementine by Sara Pennypacker (Sequoyah requirement)
7. Story of a Girl by Sara Zarr
8. Unwind by Neal Schusterman
9. What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen
10. Triangles by Ellen Hopkins
11. Hooked by Catherine Greenman
Here is what I got for my Kindle this week - ALL for free! (Click on covers to check them out on goodreads):
Friday, January 20, 2012
Review: Revealing Eden: Save the Pearls by Victoria Foyt

Publisher: Sand Dollar Press
Release Date: January 10, 2012
Number of Pages: 307
How I got this book: eARC from Netgalley
My rating: 4.5/5
Summary from Goodreads:
"Eden Newman must mate before her 18th birthday in six months or she'll be left outside to die in a burning world. But who will pick up her mate-option when she's cursed with white skin and a tragically low mate-rate of 15%? In a post-apocalyptic, totalitarian, underground world where class and beauty are defined by resistance to an overheated environment, Eden's coloring brands her as a member of the lowest class, a weak and ugly Pearl. If only she can mate with a dark-skinned Coal from the ruling class, she'll be safe. Just maybe one Coal sees the Real Eden and will be her salvation her co-worker Jamal has begun secretly dating her. But when Eden unwittingly compromises her father's secret biological experiment, she finds herself in the eye of a storm and thrown into the last area of rainforest, a strange and dangerous land. Eden must fight to save her father, who may be humanity's last hope, while standing up to a powerful beast-man she believes is her enemy, despite her overwhelming attraction. Eden must change to survive but only if she can redefine her ideas of beauty and of love, along with a little help from her "adopted aunt" Emily Dickinson."
First, a big thank you to Netgalley and Sand Dollar for giving me the chance to read this book!
First, a big thank you to Netgalley and Sand Dollar for giving me the chance to read this book!
I really, really enjoyed this dystopian story. It was really interesting how, in the world that Foyt created, the "Pearls", or people with white skin are considered inferior and ugly, and the darker the skin the more desirable you are. Eden doesn't understand why skin color should matter...."she had waited for someone to see past her skin color and recognize the real Eden. After all, didn't everyone share the same DNA?" I loved the underlying theme of the importance of being "color blind." Eden thinks that Jamal, a Coal with a very high mate-rate, is her salvation. She finds out that he has only been using her to get information about her scientist father's experiments. It turns out that her salvation may be the man she would have least expected.
There were many things I liked...the Coals vs. Pearls idea was intriguing, the contrast of going from the underground world to the jungle was interesting, the idea of creating a new super species by mixing DNA of other animals with a human, and the frequent use of quotations from Emily Dickinson's work was really cool too. There were very few drawbacks for me...one was that I had a very hard time picturing Bramford after he was "changed" into a jaguar man. I couldn't help but picture him in a cartoon like way - this could be because my son is in love with the cartoon series "Thundercats". I can't fault the author for this though. Also, Eden does a whole lot of screaming in this book. Seriously, it seems like every page has her screaming. This made me think of her as kind of weak. And rather annoying. But, other than that, it was a fabulous book, and I am totally looking forward to the next in the series!
This review is also posted on Netgalley, Goodreads, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.
This review is also posted on Netgalley, Goodreads, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.
Follow Friday (#3)

Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read and is an opportunity for book bloggers to connect with each other. Today's featured bloggers are Pretty in Fiction and Butterfly-o-Meter.
Question: What is the craziest thing you've ever done to get your hands on a book?
Hmmmm, I'm afraid my answer won't be terribly exciting. I do not like crowds, so I am not one to stand in lines on release nights, or anything. I think the craziest book shopping thing I've done is to go to this local book fair event at this huge private school. It's an annual event, and this is a very well-known and much anticipated event. I decided to go last year by myself. It was so packed that they had to offer a shuttle service from the parking areas to the school. This sale covered 3 stories of the building. By the time I was done, I had 3 huge overflowing bags of books that I had to carry to the "bus stop", load onto this bus, and walk to my car. But, it was pretty awesome!
What's the craziest things YOU'VE done for a book? If you are a new follower, please leave me a link and I will be happy to follow you back!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Booking Through Thursday - Do you skip?

No, I really don't skip parts of a book....I might "skim" though...by that I mean, if a part is getting boring, I'll read over it really fast and not take the time to really absorb what I'm reading. But, I can't bring myself to actually skip. I'm afraid I'll miss something important. And, I think I WOULD feel really bad about it if I did. I'm just weird like that. And, I could never go straight to the end of a book to see what happens. It takes all the fun out of it!!
So, how about you? Are you a skipper? Or a skimmer? Or none of the above?
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Waiting on Wednesday #3

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine. Each week we feature a yet-to-be published book we are looking forward to. This week I am featuring Halflings by Heather Burch.

Summary from Goodreads:
"After being inexplicably targeted by an evil intent on harming her at any cost, seventeen-year-old Nikki finds herself under the watchful guardianship of three mysterious young men who call themselves halflings. Sworn to defend her, misfits Mace, Raven, and Vine battle to keep Nikki safe while hiding their deepest secret—and the wings that come with.A growing attraction between Nikki and two of her protectors presents a whole other danger. While she risks a broken heart, Mace and Raven could lose everything, including their souls. As the mysteries behind the boys’ powers, as well as her role in a scientist’s dark plan, unfold, Nikki is faced with choices that will affect the future of an entire race of heavenly beings, as well as the precarious equilibrium of the earthly world."
I have this book on my kindle from netgalley and I am looking forward to getting to it. What intrigues me even more is that it is from the Christian publishing company, Zondervan. Not sure that I have yet read a Christian paranormal novel, so I am excited about that!
What are you waiting on this week?
Review: The Thorn and the Blossom by Theodora Goss
Publisher: Quirk Books
Release Date: January 17, 2012
Number of Pages: 82
How I Got This Book: ARC sent by Quirk
My rating: 3/5
Goodreads Summary:
"One enchanting romance. Two lovers keeping secrets. And a uniquely crafted book that binds their stories forever.When Evelyn Morgan walked into the village bookstore, she didn’t know she would meet the love of her life. When Brendan Thorne handed her a medieval romance, he didn’t know it would change the course of his future. It was almost as if they were the cursed lovers in the old book itself . . .The Thorn and the Blossom is a remarkable literary artifact: You can open the book in either direction to decide whether you’ll first read Brendan’s, or Evelyn’s account of the mysterious love affair. Choose a side, read it like a regular novel—and when you get to the end, you’ll find yourself at a whole new beginning."
First, a big thank you to Quirk Books for sending me this beautiful book for review!
The Thorn and the Blossom is a unique reading experience because it is an accordian style book that opens with one side being Brendan's story and the other side being Evelyn's story. To honor that uniqueness, I am only giving ONE side of the review - Brendan's side. For the other half of the story (Evelyn's story), you will have to go visit my friend Tristen at Totally Booked Solid! I will be sharing Brendan's perspective.
Brendan is working in his father's antique bookstore in his hometown of Clews, when in walks a lovely American tourist, Evelyn. He feels an immediate attraction, and even a sort of connection, to her. He offers to show her around the village, and it is obvious that their connection runs deeper than either of them could ever have suspected. Their love story may have even been mapped out centuries ago. However, after their first kiss, Evelyn inexplicably runs from him...and out of his life. He is baffled and hurt, but he eventually moves on with his life. But, can we run away from our destiny? Evelyn and Brendan are brought back together years later when she is hired at the college where Brendan teaches. Their romance picks up once again...but Brendan has a secret. What will happen when he confesses his secret to Evelyn? Is their love truly meant to be?
This book brings together has the feel of a medieval fairy tale romance but in a contemporary setting. Goss' writing style is very poetic, yet easy to read. However, I feel like the story was too short. There was so much that could have been expanded on, and so, for me, the story had a lot of potential, but it didn't quite follow through. I think this book makes an excellent gift book, especially for those who love poetry, fairy tales, and medieval romance. It would be a beautiful addition to any fairy tale lover's library.
You can find a video trailer for The Thorn and the Blossom on Youtube, and gain a deeper understanding of the unique features of this book. And don't forget to check out Totally Booked Solid to read Evelyn's side of the story!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Top 10 Tuesday - 10 Books I Would Recommend to Non YA readers

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