Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What is my favorite book?

What is my favorite book? That is probably the most common question asked of a bookworm. And, at least for me, the toughest to answer! There are soooooo many books that I could name. But, if I had to narrow it down, the first title that always pops in my head is:

I picked up this book with no intention of reading it myself. The summer before her 6th grade year, my daughter got a letter in the mail from her English teacher advising them to read this book over the summer and bring it to class to discuss and do projects. So, I ventured to Barnes and Noble, and was dismayed to find that it was only available in hardback, therefore, more than what I usually am willing to spend on a book. But, I bought it, because she had to have it. Once I got it home, I thought, "If I am going to spend $20 on a book, by golly, I am going to read it too." That's the thriftaholic in me. So, I started reading. And couldn't put it down. I then raced through Catching Fire, but then had to impatiently wait for Mockingjay to be released. I bought it the day it came out. I was disappointed with it, but that's a whole other story. Anyway, The Hunger Games introduced me to the dystopian genre, and it is now my favorite genre to read.

Needless to say, I am VERY excited for the movie to come out - it better be done well! So, what is YOUR favorite book?


Kathy Ann Coleman said...

I love The Hunger Games trilogy, although I agree with you... I did not care quite so much for Mockingjay. (Mainly because I loved the romance between Peeta and Katniss and Mockingjay was very disturbing in that regard despite the eventual conclusion.)

Anyway, you already know my choice was The Sky Is Everywhere this month. :) Thanks for dropping by my blog and entering my giveaway.

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