"Everyone has to die. We all know it.
With only a few months of life left, sixteen-year-old Tessa knows it better than most.
She's made a list, though - ten things she wants to do before she dies. Number one is sex. Starting tonight.
But getting what you want isn't easy. And getting what you want doesn't always give you what you need. And sometimes the most unexpected things become important."
You're probably thinking, "how morbid!" Well....yes, it is. But, it is beautifully written, and painfully realistic. I'm not going to lie - it was very sad, and I even teared up a few times. But, it was worth it. The author did a good job showing the joyous side of death. How important it is to live life to the fullest while you are able. How important it is to show your family and friends how much you love them.
This book contained some language, some fairly graphic sexual content, and, obviously, some difficult themes. I would not recommend this for younger teens.