Heist Society by Ally Carter (for book signing!)
Team Human by Justine Larbalestier and Sarah Rees Brennan (for book signing!)
Blindsided by Priscilla Cumings
Raised by Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (for book signing!)
and here are the signed books!
Next, these are the books I received in my mailbox for review....
Taste of Home Best Loved Recipes (thanks FSB Associates! And, WOW is this ever a HUGE and beatuiful cookbook!)
Seventeen Ultimate Guide to Beauty by Ann Shoket (thanks FSB! Gorgeous book!)
Perfectly Unique: Praising God From Head to Toe by Annie F. Downs (thanks, Zondervan!)
Almost Amish by Kathryn Cushman (thanks Bethany House!)
Inescapable by Nancy Mehl (thanks Bethany House!)
The Lure of Shapinsay by Krista Holle (thanks Krista!)
Audrey's Guide to Witchcraft by Jody Gehrman (with the cutest little signed and personalized postcard! Thanks, Jody!)
Next are my library books...
A Beautiful Dark by Jocelyn Davies
Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown
The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer (already read, and it was FANTASTIC! review to come)
The following are from netgalley:

And now, here are my pictures from the the author book signing - it was quite exciting as we don't get very many good author visits around here. The tides seem to be a-changing though...Next week, Jacqueline Woodson is coming...and then in October, my hero - CARRIE RYAN of The Forest of Hands and Teeth - OMG!!!!!!!! Can't wait!